Autumn day 

Hello ladies, madams and gentlemen - is a beautiful autumn day here, my children finally sleep at noon (both with a cough and a runny nose and the little one even makes fever ) my husband is at work, I am home and I also grabbed the virus from children and ha the feeling like "flying in clouds" - but the general mood is positive or at least has a positive trend-  EVERYTHING IS ALL WRIGHT AND IS GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT !!!
I caught myself a minute of silence in the house and sit  to write something here.
I will tell you something about me - I am loving wife, mother of two wonderful toddlers ,whom give me a lot of headaches and consume all the energy and nerves. I am are currently a housewife of 30 + something years :) , with higher education and the whole package. I have neighbors that gossip me from behind, I have relatives who live far away and some who live closer but anyway "stay far away", I have everyday events full of positive and negative emotions and a life that passes quickly and does not give respite to think of "the superiority of the human being and her mission here on earth" - that is to intrigue U slightly.
If you have some more questions - I will try to answer.
I started this whole blog just because I want to find all over this sea of ​​internet people thinking and judging like me and share my knowledge with them, maybe even share feelings somewhere and exchange of experience on issues more or less common.

FENG SHUI  I familiarize some time ago and still consider myself a beginner who has a lot to learn but I hope to share my experience and find experimentalists like me.
What I want to tell you - is the science of Feng Shui is not a magic wand with which you start suddenly to fulfill all desires, but is something very intriguing and something you discover that has very much hidden meaning and requires a bit of patience to discover that something that fits U and can help you to fulfill some of U wishes.
 There are many directions of study in Feng Shui where U could learn:
How to get new love relationships (that is mainly for people who are not married or single - I must say from the start I have not tried that cause I was married at the moment when I learned about) but I could write to U about that method and then later U could give me a feedback of  things that happed and U own experience.
How to choose the best days for various events
1. for exampl:  to sign an important contract or to negotiate smth for business - this stuff  I experience on my husband, it is not easy at all, and he lookes a little skeptical at this and sometimes does them and sometimes doesn't and even doesn't really believe in all that but  anyway  ( I tell him to do something like  -to sit back in a certain direction during  negotiations, or drive in one geographical direction about 20 minutes and then stop and think about business plans and career)
2. go to the doctor and have some investigations done so that the results is good (this I try on whole family whenever I can)
How to activate something better with a candle or a fan or a small fountain (these three are the most used tools for various "magic tricks ")

How to calculate after the date of birth which elements (acording to fen shui - they are 5 elements: water, tree, fire, earth, metal) are useful for each person - this is a branch called "ba-zi"  - what color of clothes, cars, painting on walls is better, what profession you are recommended . This is like a horoscope - but frankly I learned many things that are 100 % true, and after date of birth can read a lot.

But again, everything is not that simple as it seems and yet I still discover new nuances that sometimes do not understand.

Take care.
