

I greet Everyone!
  Sometimes, we all have the feeling that our home is full of negative energy, the atmosphere is unbalanced and heavy. Negative energy that has accumulated during a period of time and that has appeared from all the fights and screaming, from all the illness and sickness, from all the troubles and negative emotions that U and U family relived.
   Or maybe it is only in our heads and our imagination is just too creepy.
But anyway U can't deny the existence of different kinds of energies that influence our life every day.
And this procedure of incense cleaning of U home is supposed to clean the energetic space of U house from all negative gathered there and to let positive energy fill U house and U life.

   In order to pacify U conscience and make U feel better U can try a little ritual with incense.
Incense is being largely used in church service, and even if U are not a religious person U can use it for cleaning U home.

   All U need is:
-  some incense - U can buy it with different flavor (then the smell of pure incense is not so strong);
-  a piece of coal (from U barbecue) that would sustain the burn of incense;
-  matches to lite up the coal;
-  a ceramic dish or bowl (or everything it can suit) to put inside the burning coal and incense ;
or U could replace everything with a special incense burner that has a handle.

   Also, it is very important, U should be in a good mood during the entire procedure, and start the whole incense cleaning of house with positive intention.

The procedure consist of:
1)  U start the procedure with lightening the coal and put incense on it. 
2) Then go to U main entrance door and walk around U house (apartment or room) three times in a clockwise direction with the burning incense. The burning incense should generate smoke and aroma.
3) U can recite the mantra " NAMAH SARVA TATHAGATHA AVALOKITE OM SAMBHARA SAMBHARA HUNG"  or any other praying that U use every day.

I just recently done it and hope positive energy already entered my house and bring health, welfare, love and happiness to me and my family!!!

I am waiting for U to write back and tell everyone U experience.
Take good care and be healthy!
