SUPERMOON on 14 November 2016
Today on 14 November 2016 (at 14:52 local time GMT +2 , the time for Romania, Moldova,Ukraine) there is an important astral event called SUPERMOON when the MOON gets very close to EARTH as close as possible.
And that means - the moon becomes much larger and brighter than usual. The last time this event happened in 1948, and will repeat again only after 18-20 years.
So do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful moon ... and perform a MAGICAL LOVE RITUAL! U can make your own TALISMAN OF LOVE.
As you probably already know, the Moon represents a mysterious symbol of female power, love and beauty.
If you dream about MEETING YOUR PARTENER, you can create your own unique TALISMAN OF LOVE!
To perform the ritual is necessary before the moon becomes a super-large , before 14:52 (GMT+2) (you have just a few hours).
1)First of all, unbind your hair and put on a skirt or dress.
2) Take any item of silver (the metal of the moon). This may be a ring, earrings, pendant, spoon, etc. Silver item doen't have to be new, but it is important that it belongs only to U!
3) Wash your silver item under running water with the thoughts that you clean the whole negative energy and negative information from it.
4) Squeeze the silver in your hand, close your eyes and imagine that you love and are being loved. And then say: "Love to love , the MOON charge the TALISMAN!"
5) Leave your silver item on the windowsill until tomorrow.
6) The next day, your love talisman will be ready. Put it on or Carry it with you!
When you meet your love, do not hurry to leave the talisman as long as your relationship will move to a higher level, namely no longer be just friends ..
Take a chance and use cosmos energy og the day!!!
Wish U good luck!
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