Before going to a hairdresser to cut U hair, U should plan it and go there on a right day. 
Everything we do in our life is good to be done with a purpose. And people who are practicing Feng Shui and different kinds of spirituality believe that doing your haircut is also very important from the energetic point of view.
  The most common haircut can change in a way or another your luck. The days when your cut your hair could have a beneficial effect on the luck of the person ( as longevity, luck and visual attraction) and also a negative effect because haircut could reduce life force and bring trouble. 
  Well, I could add that your should do U haircut constantly in a GOOD DAY, and choose always a suitable day for that, then you could observe SOME MAJOR positive effects in you life.
This info does not refer to visits to a hairdresser just to arrange U hair and make it look good.
It does has effect only  when U CUT the HAIR.

Here is some explanation of YEARS when U were borne:

Something important that U should know - if U were borne before 4 February - U should consider the precedent year. (because the New Year in Chinese metaphysics begin on 4 February and NOT on 1 January of each year).
For example: if U were borne on 23 January 1986 then U were still borne in the year of OX.

Here are description for visiting the hairdresser in FEBRUARY 2017:

1 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day should bring "INCREASE of WEALTH". Doing U haircut is favorable especially for people borne in the years of  RAT, OX, DRAGON, ROOSTER,  DOG, and BOAR but is not favorable for  SNAKE and HORSE.

2 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "harm from robbers". Especially people borne in the years of  RAT, OX, RABBIT, DRAGON, SHEEP, DOG and BOAR.

3 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "discussion and punishment". Especially people borne in the years of  TIGER, RABBIT, HORSE and SHEEP should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

4   FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day should bring "increase in life expectancy". Doing U haircut is favorable especially for people borne in the years of OX, TIGER, RABBIT, SHEEP and MONKEY but it is not recommended for RAT and BOAR.

5  FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "short illness". Especially people borne in the years of OX and TIGER should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

6  FEBRUARY 2017- doing U haircut on such a day should bring " joy". Doing U haircut is favorable especially for people borne in the years of  RAT, DRAGON and SHEEP but is not favorable for ROOSTER and BOAR.

7  FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day should bring "clarity of U senses and wisdom". Doing U haircut is favorable especially for people borne in the years of  RAT, SNAKE, HORSE and BOAR but is not favorable for ROOSTER and MONKEY.

8 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "disease and threat to life". Especially people borne in the years of OX, SNAKE, HORSE, SHEEP and MONKEY should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

9  FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day should bring "increase of wealth". Doing U haircut is favorable especially for people borne in the years of  TIGER, RABBIT, MONKEY and ROOSTER but is not favorable for  OX, DRAGON, SHEEP and DOG.

10 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "loss of  LA energy" U should definitively refuse  doing the haircut in that day and that refers to everyone.

11 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "poor conditions and disease". Especially people borne in the years of RAT, DRAGON, SNAKE, MONKEY and BOAR should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

12 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "visual impairment and bad complection". Especially people borne in the years of RAT should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

13 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "loss of property". Especially people borne in the years of DRAGON, ROOSTER and DOG should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

14  FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day should bring "increase in religious morality". Doing U haircut is favorable especially for people borne in the years of  RAT, RABBIT, SNAKE, HORSE and BOAR but is not favorable for   DRAGON, MONKEY, ROOSTER and DOG.

15 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "hunger". Especially people borne in the years of TIGER, SNAKE, HORSE, DOG and BOAR should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

16 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "dangerous disease". Especially people borne in the years of OX, DRAGON, SHEEP and DOG should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

17 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "exacerbation of disease". Especially people borne in the years of TIGER and RABBIT should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

18 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "exacerbation of disease". same as previous day. Especially people borne in the years of RAT, RABBIT and BOAR should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

19 FEBRUARY 2017 -  U should definitively refuse  doing the haircut in that day and that refers to everyone.

20 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "infectious disease".  Especially people borne in the years of  MONKEY should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

21 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "ocular pressure.  Especially people borne in the years of  RABBIT, MONKEY and ROOSTER should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

22  FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day should bring "happiness and bliss". Doing U haircut is favorable especially for people borne in the years of  RAT, OX, DRAGON, DOG and BOAR but is not favorable for   SNAKE and HORSE.

23 FEBRUARY 2017- doing U haircut on such a day should bring " joy". Doing U haircut is favorable especially for people borne in the years of  RAT, TIGER, RABBIT , MONKEY and ROOSTER but is not favorable for OX, DRAGON, HORSE, SHEEP and DOG.

24 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "conflicts".  Especially people borne in the years of  TIGER and RABBIT should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

25 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "mental wanderings".  Especially people borne in the years of  RAT and BOAR should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

26 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "trials".   U should definitively refuse  doing the haircut in that day and that refers to everyone.

27 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "reduce of life".  Especially people borne in the years of  ROOSTER should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

28 FEBRUARY 2017 - doing U haircut on such a day could bring "disease and strife".  Especially people borne in the years of  MONKEY and ROOSTER should definitively refuse doing the haircut in that day.

U should carefully choose the day when U plan to go to cut U hair!!!
Just wait for a GOOD DAY for doing that!!!!! especially when U do not cut U hair very often.
Make it work for U luck!!!!!

Thanck U for fresh info to


Take care!!!
