- feng shui chips for those of your who are looking for a relationship

    It's a simple ritual, but a very effective one - just try and DO IT - like a game! Pretend that U are a kid who is just having fun - take the pleasure while  U do that. 
     It's is not mandatory that U believe in it -the Universe knows what to do for U!


 on 2 of JULY 2018 from 17 to 19  p.m.  or 19 to 21 p.m  (your local time)


 - on specific date and time just sit with U back to the EAST direction  and write a firewell letter to your loneliness (it does NOT matter where U are / it is important that the EAST direction is after you. U look in WEST direction with eyes and write this letter as you imagine it should be such kind of letter)
- Try to think about why  you have been so lonely all that time, maybe you have some grievances. Imagine yourself in a strong strong sadness.
- When your are almost ready to cry - close your eyes and imagine how an orange flower opens at the level at your uterus.
- Imagine that all over your body flows an orange energy -fill in with that energy until a smile appears on your face
- At the final your should burn that letter and after dispel the ashes.

That is all -hope it is not too complicated and you will find time and strength to do it!
wish U all the best

#magical ritual for lonely women

Try t
