DECEMBER 2018 - what to know...
Someone shared with me this information - and I share it with YOU!
Found on large Internet :)
❄ December 6-7, 2018
The last day before the "new moon" is unfavorable for starting new projects.
On this day, it is recommended to remember the ancestors, be sure to visit the church and put a candle. Or just at home -light a candle and remember your ancestors.
Exact time: December 6, 2018 (09:41) to December 7, 2018 (10:20) your local time.
Repeat the mantra: "OM SOM SOMAYA NAMAHA!"
A diet based on dairy products or juices is recommended.
❄ December 7, 2018 "New Moon"
The beginning of the new lunar month December 7 at 10:20. New Moon is a special period when the energy of the Moon is tuned to a new wave, along with it there is an update of your personal energy.
Also December 7th, 2018 - ending of RETROGRADE Mercury
From now on, the communicative function is gradually restored, you can do paperwork, trips will be more favorable. Less obstacles and inconsistencies in communication.
❄ December 6-8, 2018 - Moon in Scorpio
Emotionally difficult days. If any situation caused your distrust, recheck the information and then act. Neatness behind the wheel and compliance with the rules of the road are required. It is not recommended to buy and repair the car. Do not take a loan these days and do not borrow money. Repeat the mantra: “OM SHANTY SHANTY SHANTY”.
❄ December 8–10, 2018 - Moon-Saturn conjunction
Difficult emotional days. Do not do household chores, do not plan purchases for home. Rest more, recommended full sleep. Do not load the digestive tract, the body is prone to swelling, since the withdrawal of fluid from the body is difficult. Repeat the mantra: “OM SHANTY SHANTY SHANTY”.
❄ December 16, 2018 - “Dhanu Surya Sankranti”
The sun is in the constellation Sagittarius from December 16, 2018 to January 13, 2019.
Gandant of the Sun. The transition of the Sun from one constellation to another from December 15 to 18 is considered an unfavorable time. Do not start these days new projects, do not plan events that involve performance in front of an audience. Repeat the mantra: “RAM” or “OM TAT SAT”, if important things are coming.
❄ December 22, 2018 - Full Moon in Gemini
The exact time of the full moon is December 22 at 20:48 (Moscow time). During the December full moon, the moon will visit the constellation Gemini, which favorably affects our senses. But during this full moon, the Moon is in aspect with Saturn, so restraint can be felt. Advice - do not take extra obligations and do not give promises on this day.
❄ December 22–24, 2018 - Moon "under the gaze of Saturn"
Emotional restraint can be felt these days. The favorable aspect of the aspect: a lot of plans can be realized at the expense of concentration, diligence, planning your day. Days unfavorable for conception. Repeat the mantra: "OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA."
❄ December 23, 2018 - Mars in Pisces
Mars will begin to move through this constellation on December 23 and will end the transit on February 6, 2019. Mars is located in a friendly constellation and is in favorable conditions. During the period of this transit, we tend to perform actions in two or more directions. Motivation can fluctuate between optimism and passivity.
Wish U best!
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