that we do not usually use

-  How quickly "to enter into RESOURCE" and fill up with energy?  This is a question that often appear when a person is continually under stress and there are negative emotions all around.
  Your date of birth contains many resources about which you have never heard, or even guessed. Sometimes we feel not "in the resource" and do not know how to return to them, how to gain strength, so that we could move on with a smile. Do not crawl as a sleepy turtle, but vigorously and beautiful fly like a little bird.

If you need to gain strength, and energy to make a decision or search for a way out from a difficult situation, U should use resources that are hidden into your birth date(horoscope). Try to apply it in your life and you will be surprised by the results - this is the shortest small step to your success, because it is based on your individual date of birth.

♈ Aries - Your energy stays in control and self-affirmation of yourself.  With first signs of depression, immediately make beautiful selfies for Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to edit them in the app so that U look stunningly and perfect. Second step - start manage your “empire”. Distribute some task to your subordinates, children, husband, girlfriends and everyone who got caught under the arm. Everything - your Martian soul is filled and ready for challenges.

♒ Aquarius - your strength is in electronics and gadgets -. Yes Yes - If the situation turned down negatively and difficult inside your soul, go to the electronics store. Read instructions, download the new mobile app or just touch the new gadgets of the new devices (tablets, virtual glasses, etc.). Your sign is ruled by Uranus - the planet of the newest technologies and electronics.  Here is your strength.

♓ Fish - Your recipe is simple. First is meditation. Just make an energetic practice U like, or watch a fantasy tale or a movie about other worlds. Also melodrama will work great - your wide soul wants to embrace the whole world. As an option - study or make astrology. Go to the planetarium or study some secret knowledge.

♉ Taurus - If you don't have one, urgently buy a moneybox. It is very good to have a moneybox in the form of a pig or a bull. And if U feel that problems are covering U - just count money, it is very useful to count coins. Count on their dignity and write down everything! Count your cash in your wallet, as well as bills and cards.Make a box or bag of "power" with beautiful stones, & jewels and coins from different countries- stick the hand in your wealth from the moneybox, and the power would return to you.

♊ Gemini - I U feel the energy is leaving you, urgently look for new information. Sites, Blogs, Magazines,books. Call friends, talk, tell them that INTERESTING  you found or learned. And your energy is again on top.

♋ Cancer - Well, of course, your strength is in your home and comfort. If U feel sad - immediately go and make pies or rearrange furniture, or buy the necessary 28th vase for U room or some design element. If U are extremely sadly - go to visit mom, her pancakes and care would certainly cheer U up.

♌ Lions - If U feel tired and it U don't want to go "on the hunt," or U good mood is gone  - U should urgently do U makeup, then take a selfie - and put it on Instagram or Fecebook for likes and delightful comments. Or YES, wear a crown, buy yourself such a beautiful crown, with stones, put it on and walk around u home wearing it. That's it, the queen is ready to rule the world further and make fateful decisions. Just Praise yourself!

♍ Virgin - If U feel tired, you need urgently put things in order - dismantle all debris, throw away all garbage from boxes and also from U head. U should put everything in boxes or bags, arrange all things on the shelves. Every little thing should has it's own unique place. Such a detailed order  will give you forces for taking decisions in all situations.

♎ Balance - Your personal strength is in beauty and information. Go to an exhibition or to the theater, let the new information be aesthetic and inspiring. To replenish U resources, it is important to  U to be smart and demonstrate your erudition.

♏ Scorpio -  If U feel tired or exhausted - Go to a PARTY,  talk to the people, catch your adrenaline rush, or make an extreme driving or do what it setting you up - for example, listen to loud music at home.

♐ Sagittarius - it is important for you to see the full width and the scale of your  own life. As soon as you are visited by "sadness", just start planning a major repair or a long far trip - everything that gives scale. BUT the simplest thing is to meet the sunset and follow the line of horizon,  thinking how huge is our beautiful planet.

♑ Capricorn - It's important for you to have precise goals and a clear plan of action. (It is important to have goals for the day, for the week, for the year. To write a diary. It is important for you to plan the schedule for the day, track and watch the implementation of this plan. And in the evening to analyze. Set yourself a long term PURPOSE - for 5-7 years, so that it is almost unreal. AND write down the first steps. By doing this, you will be filled with energy and quickly find a solution to the current problem.

When I found this horoscope, I started quickly going through my environment and was surprised at how it all works! 
Some of my friends intuitively did the actions that revealed their hidden resources, which once again proves the wisdom and strength of our intuition.
I'm glad to share this knowledge with you! 
Now you can use these things consciously, wisely! I wish you a resource day and great mood! 

taken from 

Фен Шуй с Анной Барышниковой

Wish U all the best!
