Make a SIMPLE WALK to improve U romantic LUCK!!!

On August 3, 2019 from 21 to 23 p.m your local time - U should MOVE (travel, walk, ride) to EAST direction.

    In the EAST,  there is a "cool technique" called "tsi-meni-dun-dzya" - activation  based on movement (travel, walk, ride)  on an predetermined direction in a specific moment of time. 
It can have different general purposes - for improving U luck in ROMANCE, or  MONEY/CLIENTS and material things, or HEALTH.

There are some easy obligatory steps to be done before and during the movement (travel, walk, ride):
1. Two hours before the walk at the specific time (in our case before 21-00 p.m ) U should fix yourself in the same place ( stay home, or be in a supermarket, or in a mall, or at cinema, or in another place, for two hours before the walk, so that U do not make any travels 2 hour before) . 
That means that tomorrow, on Saturday - plan U day in such a way that from 19-00 to 21-00 p.m U remain at home and from 21-15 p.m U start a walk heading to the EAST direction from U home.
2. Start U walk 15 minutes later than the fix hour. U should start the walk at 21-15 p.m.Also U should think over the purpose of making this walk- like for what do U need it? what U want to achieve by going in that walk? What is U wish? - Like U want to meat a cool guy 
3. Walk, at least, for 20-30 minutes (better for 1 hour if it's possible) in the predetermined direction, obligatory thinking over U wish, at this time heading EAST from U starting point. And it does not matter if U route is not straight to EAST - the important thing that the final point where U arrive after a walk of 20-30 minutes is situated in the EAST of U starting point. During the walk U should dream with U eyes open about it, and in details, as mush as U can. If  U wish for meeting a cool guy - U should imagine what color are his eyes, what color of hair, what high and so on... as many specific features you want him to be like. 
Also  during this walk it is better to KEEP SILENT, do not talk to anybody in order not to spread the energy u are accumulating.
4. Stop and stay for 15-20 minutes in the place  U arrived after the walk or U can choose a place on the map before starting the walk - in the predetermined direction. U could sit on a bench, or a drink a coffee in a coffee shop, or walk around a supermarket, or even have U nails done in a salon, where U should stay for 15-20 minutes in order to stabilize the energy U just collected from the space during the walk.

That are all the rules. It is more difficult for 1 time to be done :)

Therefore, before taking a magical walk, try to think through your route to get the maximum effect from activations.

Such a walk will improve romantic luck, contribute to a romantic acquaintance and the search for a “second half”, enhance attractiveness, and bring joyful events. If you are already “in a relationship” and it's a difficult period, this activation will allow you to change emotions, restore balance in a couple.

And remember, these walks have a cumulative effect and U, like a magnet, will attract positive energy to yourself, in order to become attractive to opposite sex.

More walks U do - higher the level of U romantic energy!

This activation is not suitable for those born in the year of the Tiger!

 with respect W.Lady
